We will be speaking at the Tapestry Conference this Saturday morning. We are thrilled and a little overwhelmed, partly because we have to present as a couple but mostly because we are sleep deprived.
Our thanks to Annie McClellan (@anniemcclellan) for the following.
In their session, Adopt-Ed, Ryan and Kayla will focus on educating parents to educate educators to help kids learn better. Ryan and Kayla took some time to answer a few questions about their session, Adopt-Ed.
Who should attend your session?
Any foster and adoptive parents with school aged children, childcare professionals and teachers
Are there common misconceptions about Adopt-Ed?
A common misconception is that teachers are trained and equipped to deal with every situation, family dynamic and child. Parents, in their roles as advocates, need to be able to help equip teachers to meet their child’s needs. Some parents are reluctant to approach the teacher for fear of labeling their child. Many of the Empowered to Connect strategies are good for the whole classroom. There is great potential for partnership with teachers.
Is there a resource that you would recommend that has shaped your thinking on Adopt-Ed?
The Connected Child by Purvis, Cross and Lyons
Wounded Children Healing Homes by Schooler, Keefer, Smalley and Callahan
The Out-Of-Sync Child by Carol Kranowitz
The Out-Of-Sync Child Has Fun by Carol Kranowitz
A Memo to my Fellow Teachers by Leonlida DiTomasso
Attachment Influences in the Classroom by Karyn Purvis
Adoptive Families Magazine’s The Great Back-to-School Kit
Ryan North is the Co-Founder of One Big Happy Home and creator of The Empowered Parent Podcast. He is a recognized expert on childhood trauma, a TBRI Practitioner, and develops training materials for parents, schools, churches, and child-placing agencies. Ryan is a sought-after speaker known for his engaging and practical approach to communicating complex issues clearly and relatable to a wide range of audiences.