This year’s Tapestry Adoption & Foster Care Conference will be held October 24 & 25 at Irving Bible Church and will feature unique content across two full days. You are invited to attend one or both days. Our theme this year is Discipline that Connects and Corrects. We would love to have as many families as possible join us for one, or both days, as we share our successes and failures, our victories and shortcomings as we try to connect with our kids while we correct them.
Here are 5 reasons you can’t miss this year’s conference.
The Content
This year we decided to build our content around the theme Discipline that Connects and Corrects. If you ask 10 people to define discipline you’ll probably get 11 answers. And if you’re like me you grew up thinking that discipline and punishment were synonyms, but they are not the same thing. To be sure, punishment is a part of discipline, but discipline is so much more. It’s about correcting, training, and connecting.
We are hosting a workshop for parents and professionals on Friday, October 24. The workshop features Dr. Tina Payne Bryson co-author of The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline. In this day-long workshop Dr. Bryson will present the latest scientific research–with a special emphasis on neuroplasticity and the changing brain–in a way that’s clear, interesting, and immediately practical.
You can read more about Friday’s workshop HERE
Our Saturday Conference has grown over the years and has featured amazing content and presenters. This year will be no different. Dr. Bryson will open and close Saturday and we will feature 12 breakout sessions in between.
Saturday’s sessions will include:
- Discipline: Getting to the Heart of the Matter
- Free to Discipline: Learning to Respond to Behavioral Challenges Without Your Own Stuff
- Holistic Discipline: Parenting the Whole Child
- Embracing Play to Discipline Effectively
- More than Meets the Eye: Understanding How Sensory Processing Can Impact Behavior
You can access a complete list of Saturday’s breakout sessions HERE
The Teaching
We will have hours of honest, relevant, practical, and helpful teaching on the subject of discipline delivered by people who are trying to build stronger connection with their kids. Speakers will include members of Tapestry leadership, Empowered to Connect Parent Trainers, as well as licensed professionals.
You can learn more about our speakers HERE
The Community
One of my favorite things about conference is being around other people who get it. There are only a few places I can go without hearing the same questions you hear everyday. Questions like; “Are they all yours?”, “Which one’s are adopted?”, and “You have HOW many?” The Tapestry Conference is one of those rare environments where these questions aren’t asked. It’s a place where the speakers and fellow attendees make you feel like you belong. It’s a place where you can be honest about your struggles and hear others be honest about their struggles. I always leave the conference thankful for the training and support, and knowing that I can be the parent God has called me to be.
You can register for conference HERE
The Training Hours
This is important for both foster parents and professionals. Training certificates will be available for foster parents on both Friday (5 hours) and Saturday (5 hours) for a total of 10 hours if they attend both days. CEU credits will be available for social workers and professional counselors licensed in Texas on both Friday (5 hours) and Saturday (5 hours) for a total of 10 hours if they attend both days.
You can get more information HERE
The Doctor
Dr. Tina Payne Bryson is the co-author of the best-selling The Whole-Brain Child and No-Drama Discipline. She is a psychotherapist at Pediatric and Adolescent Psychology Associates in Arcadia, California, where she offers parenting consultations and provides therapy to children and adolescents.
One of my favorite things about her is that before she’s a parenting educator, or a researcher, she’s a mom. Alongside her husband of 19 years, parenting her three boys is what makes her happiest: “They’re my heart. Their personalities make life so much fun. They’ve also made my research very personal, helping bring together the different roles I play in my life, where I’m part-time educator/researcher, and full-time Little League mom/super Jedi spy with laser powers. As I’ve studied attachment and child rearing theory and the science of how brains work, I’ve been able to apply that knowledge and let it help me parent more the way I want: lovingly, intentionally, and effectively.”
You can read more about Tina HERE
Lunch with Adults
I know I said we had 5 reasons you shouldn’t miss the Tapestry Conference this year, but I’ve included this important bonus reason. We all love our kids, but every now and then it’s nice to eat a meal without cutting someone else’s food, or feeding a baby, or refilling drinks. And if you order the chicken sandwich you can have the rare treat of eating hot food.
We hope to see you the last weekend in October at the 2014 Tapestry Adoption and Foster Care Conference.
You can register for conference HERE
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Ryan North is the Co-Founder of One Big Happy Home and creator of The Empowered Parent Podcast. He is a recognized expert on childhood trauma, a TBRI Practitioner, and develops training materials for parents, schools, churches, and child-placing agencies. Ryan is a sought-after speaker known for his engaging and practical approach to communicating complex issues clearly and relatable to a wide range of audiences.