Fear and Felt Safety

Chris, Ryan, and Kayla revisit an important topic: helping our kids from hard places feel safe. As adults, we may intellectually know our kids are safe; safe from physical and emotional harm, safe from not having enough to eat, safe from being homeless, or any number of problem areas. That doesn’t mean our kids feel safe from those things, so the discussion goes to how we can help them know and feel it.

[podbean resource=”episode=jf3xv-b5192e” type=”audio-rectangle” height=”100″ skin=”1″ btn-skin=”103″ share=”1″ fonts=”Helvetica” auto=”0″ download=”1″ rtl=”0″]

One thought on “Fear and Felt Safety

  1. Yay!! Been waiting what feels like forever. Love this podcast!! This is such therapy for me. And we are crazy about Downtown Abbey too!!!

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