I Will Never Leave You

Have you ever been in a restaurant and witnessed the interaction between a displeased customer and their waiter? It can be pretty tense depending on how difficult the customer makes it. But it is not the customer’s behavior that is the most interesting part of the interaction, it’s the response of the restaurant employees that [...]

Do Not be Afraid

The instruction to “not be afraid” is the most frequently occurring command in the Bible. We are told to not be afraid over 350 times. Fear is addressed more than love or giving, hope or heaven, faith or salvation. We know that fear is one of the biggest drivers of our kid’s behaviors. We need [...]

An Evening with Tapestry

Tapestry is celebrating 10 years of ministry this year with two events both on September 19. They will host a Family Fun Carnival at Irving Bible Church at 10:00 am and then enjoy dinner together at the Hilton DFW Lakes in Grapevine that evening. Author and speaker Carissa Woodwyk will be their guest. Carissa is a writer, [...]