Imagine a foster family shows up to your weekly Bible study with a couple extra kids in tow. You, half-jokingly, call the family crazy for adding more kids. "Are you trying to start your own sports team?" you joke. Then your curiosity sets in and you proceed to ask lots of questions: "What happened to their [...]
Who is Holding Your Hands Up?
We all need a place where we can be ourselves, where we are loved and not judged. That's why being part of a community of people who get us, who love us in spite of ourselves is so important. Watch as Ryan shares about the people who help hold their hands up.
Maybe You Just Need a BB Gun
Our kids love spending time with their grandparents. I remember thinking that a weekend with my grandparents was just about the best thing ever when I was a child. Kayla has childhood memories of spending time every summer with her grandparents. Itâs a rare child who doesnât love their grandparents. Kayla's parents and my parents [...]
Moving Forward
The pain of moving forward after a loss is hard. Losing a child, a spouse, or a parent. Losing a job or a friendship. A failed business venture or a failed marriage. You know that pain that hits you deep to your core. The grief hits you when you least expect it. That knot in [...]
Are you Leading at Home?
Leadership is important, very important. It is a highly valued commodity in the corporate world. So much so, that according to a study by Deloitte, American companies spent $14 billion on leadership development in 2012. I can only imagine what the 2017Â number looks like. But leadership isn't only valuable in offices and boardrooms across the [...]
Mindfulness – S4E4
Chris is joined once again by Ryan and Kayla as the team talks about the need for mindfulness. As Curt Thompson says, "You need to pay attention to what you're paying attention to." They discuss why this is especially important with adoptive and foster children. [podbean resource="episode=h2jd9-795e3f" type="audio-square" height="400" skin="1" fonts="Helvetica" auto="0" download="1" rtl="1"] Star [...]
2017 Tapestry Conference – S4E3
The 2017 Tapestry Conference will feature Curt Thompson, author of Anatomy of the Soul and The Soul of Shame. Dr. Thompson's work is an integral part of the Empowered to Connect Parent Training classes; Anatomy of the Soul is one of the books that parents read as part of the training. The 2017 Tapestry Conference [...]
Connecting With Hurting People
There is something that we all have in common; we all came from somewhere. We didnât just arrive in the present. And because we are all on a journey we all have stories to tell. All of us have had adverse experiences and many of us have lived through trauma. Unfortunately, too many people have [...]
Houston Strong
Join me in praying for our friends in Houston today. There is so much unimaginable devastation and loss in the city. If you are looking for somewhere to donate, I recommend Houston's First Baptist Church. Here is a link to their LoveFirst Disaster Relief Fund.
2017 Tapestry Conference
The 2017 Tapestry Conference will be held October 20-21 at Irving Bible Church. Come learn from Dr. Curt Thompson as he teaches on the Soul of Shame. Examine how shame keeps us from being engaged in relationships and community. Learn how to retell the stories we believe about ourselves. Early bird registration for the 2017 Tapestry [...]