
Maybe You Just Need a BB Gun

Our kids love spending time with their grandparents. I remember thinking that a weekend with my grandparents was just about the best thing ever when I was a child. Kayla has childhood memories of spending time every summer with her grandparents. It’s a rare child who doesn’t love their grandparents. Kayla's parents and my parents [...]

Mindfulness – S4E4

Chris is joined once again by Ryan and Kayla as the team talks about the need for mindfulness. As Curt Thompson says, "You need to pay attention to what you're paying attention to." They discuss why this is especially important with adoptive and foster children. [podbean resource="episode=h2jd9-795e3f" type="audio-square" height="400" skin="1" fonts="Helvetica" auto="0" download="1" rtl="1"] Star [...]