May is National Foster Care Month and we thought we'd share 10 ways in 10 days you can support kids in care without becoming a foster parent. Tip #2. Become a respite provider or approved babysitter This requires background checks and fingerprinting and training, so it is often hard to find people who are willing [...]
National FC Month (Tip #1)
May is National Foster Care Month and we thought we'd share 10 ways in 10 days you can support kids in care without becoming a foster parent. Tip Number 1: Become a CASA volunteer CASA volunteers can make a huge difference in the outcome for kids in foster care. They are sometimes the only voice [...]
Don’t Create a Vacuum
There is a great parenting strategy I think we should all subscribe to; don’t remove a coping mechanism or survival strategy from a child unless you have something better to replace it with. Don’t create a vacuum if you are not prepared to fill it. Vacuums by definition cannot remain unfilled. If you're not equipped [...]
Establishing Healthy Boundaries
I'm traveling to Seattle to speak at the Refresh Conference this week. I'm looking forward to the trip for several reasons. I've never been to the Pacific Northwest, some friends moved to Seattle last year and I haven't seen them since they moved, and I'm looking forward to presenting my assigned topic; Building Healthy Relationships [...]
Agent of Healing
To be an effective agent of healing in your child's life you will need to understand their history and come to terms with your past. Both are necessary.
#GivingTuesday is TODAY!
Today is Giving Tuesday, a day dedicated to giving back. There are two ways that you can give today; your time and your treasure. Please email us at if you would like to bless adoptive and foster families by volunteering your time. We have many opportunities for you to volunteer from support groups to our [...]
When Two Worlds Collide
When I was a child, I wanted to be an airline pilot. I thought it would be the most romantic way to spend my days floating amongst the clouds. My dad traveled for work when I was a kid and when he came home, he would go down on one knee expecting a hug and [...]
2016 Tapestry Adoption & Foster Care Conference
The 2016 Tapestry Adoption & Foster Care Conference will be held October 21 & 22 at Irving Bible Church. Last year we went BACK TO BASICS, this year we decided to go BEYOND THE BASICS. We will feature TBRI trained professionals, Empowered to Connect Parent Trainers, Dr. Mandy Howard, and Dr. David Cross, co-author of [...]
Family Nurture Groups
We strive to connect with our kids as we teach them new skills. Before we can take away a survival skill, we need to replace it with a new one. One of the things we often suggest to families is for them to do family nurture group in their home. Before you begin Gather some [...]
I Will Never Leave You
Have you ever been in a restaurant and witnessed the interaction between a displeased customer and their waiter? It can be pretty tense depending on how difficult the customer makes it. But it is not the customer’s behavior that is the most interesting part of the interaction, it’s the response of the restaurant employees that [...]