
Don’t Speak

If your childhood was anything like mine you would have heard the phrase "You need to earn my respect" many times. It seems like most of the people I speak to had similar experiences growing up. But as  my own kids have grown I have had to fight the urge to just go with what [...]

Summer School has Started

Now that my kids have been out of school for a few weeks, we are starting to get into our summer routine.  That routine includes daily reading and math fact review, and of course lots of fun and exploration. One website I have found extremely helpful in keeping me and my kids accountable for doing [...]

My Daddy is Only a Picture

Ahh June, the month we celebrate father's day. I started thinking about what it means to be a dad and I realized that most of the foster placements we've had over the years had one thing in common; they grew up in a home without a father. I don't know what the percentage of kids [...]

Go and Tell it on the Mountain

We often get asked about being foster parents. People seem to have a high degree of interest in foster care and we are always happy to talk about it with anyone who want to have a discussion. At some point in the conversation this phrase is uttered "I could never be a foster parent, it [...]