It’s the start of a new year so we thought we’d go back and start at the very beginning, it is after all a very good place to start.I remember when we first learned about trauma and its impacts, and how that new knowledge impacted me. Learning about trauma changed me in two very important [...]
Tell Me Why
There is a question we always ask parents we work with, "Why do you parent the way you do?" After all, understanding why you do what you do is more important than understanding how you do it. You can't change the "How" if you don't understand the "Why". We typically get some combination of these [...]
Choices I was recently thinking about some of my go-to parenting tools, you know the ones you use when the kids are struggling. One of the first tools I got to is giving my kids choices. Giving my kids choices allows us to get where we need to go while recognizing that we might need [...]
Proactive vs. Reactive Parenting
Proactive vs. Reactive Parenting One of the first changes we had to make in our parenting was moving from reactive to proactive parenting. It takes more work at first, reacting is easier and comes naturally to most of us, but it doesn't help change behavior in the long run.Watch as Kayla talks about Proactive vs. [...]
Reframing Behavior
Parenting is not an easy job. We are responsible for training and shaping the next generation. That task weighs heavy on me some days. Other days I find myself managing behaviors and not sure that I am doing anything of significance. Am I shaping the next generation or simply becoming a drill sergeant of a […]
Empowered Parent Coaching
We are excited to announce the launch of our online parent coaching service, Empowered Parent Coaching. We know that families are struggling more than ever during these strange times. Behaviors have regressed and patience is running out. Stress levels are higher in our homes these days than ever before. We know that many people need help. […]
My Memories of 2020…I Hope
Crisis schooling has looked very different than homeschooling. I have a shortlist of school work, that rarely gets completed. I have kids who can’t sleep at night because they are afraid. I have kids who are eating way more often because they remember a time when food was scarce. I have kids who are talking […]
Become an Empowered Parent Podcast Patron
We had no idea when we started our podcast four years ago how much it would grow. What started out as the three of us sharing our honest conversations about our families has now been downloaded over 300,000 times! We love reading listener comments, emails, and reviews. We love meeting you at events and conferences […]
Parenting is a Leadership Exercise
I was invited to keynote the Florida Foster and Adoptive Parent Association Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida a few years ago. It is always a special privilege to share with families who are in the trenches. I love meeting them, hearing their stories, and being able to share information and experiences that can help them […]
Build: Creating a Foundation of Connection
Build is an interactive learning experience for parents who want to create a foundation of connection between them and their children. This training was developed as a resource for people raising children with trauma histories. Build was developed by Ryan and Kayla North and was influenced by the work of some of the most respected […]