
The Brain

We love learning about the brain. It is beyond fascinating. It is where science and creation intersect. Neuroscience has helped us learn so much about this beautiful, complicated organ that lives between our ears. We were made to connect in healthy relationships and to be delighted in. In this clip, taken from our Children's Ministry [...]

Building the Staircase of the Brain

Chris wanted to go back to the basics for this episode, so he, Ryan, and Kayla talk about that most important organ in the body: the brain. They dissect—not literally—the components of the brain and talk about how parents of vulnerable children need to pay attention to how things are working in the minds of […]

We’re Better Together

Marriage is tough and it takes an intentional investment to make it thrive and not just survive. We are seventeen years in and we feel like we are still learning so much. Ryan and I recently had an opportunity to speak at The Sparrow Fund’s annual marriage retreat for adoptive and foster families on staying connected in […]

Immeasurably More

I’m still “re-entering” after our most recent Together Called weekend with The Sparrow Fund.  It’s the seventh year we’ve had the privilege of serving adoptive and foster couples at this spectacular marriage retreat event.  Each year always carries special memories, but I think 2019 has been my favorite to date.  We experienced such deep conversation […]