
Dad Camp Retreat for Dads

Attention adoptive, foster, and waiting dads of Texas! Ryan will be joining Bruce Kendrick and Andrew Holland to lead Dad Camp at SkyRanch in Van, September 28-30. Men from across the state will meet for a weekend of teaching, bonding, highland games, optional napping, campfires, and meats on sticks. Your all-inclusive ticket includes all meals, lodging, activities, swag and training hours. [...]

How Do We Deal With Drama?

Some of our kids have big emotions. Chris talks with Ryan and Kayla about how we deal with drama when the emotions go from big to bigger to biggest. [podbean resource="episode=mjufj-97d457" type="audio-square" height="400" skin="8" fonts="Helvetica" auto="0" download="1" rtl="0"] Resources Mentioned in the Episode Harry Chapin - The Cat's in the Cradle One Big Happy Home [...]

Keep Your Balance

I can still remember all of the babies we cared for over the years. While they were all unique, they all had one thing in common; being swaddled tight helped them sleep well. They loved the security that being wrapped tightly in the blanket provided. But it wasn’t only the swaddling that helped them sleep, [...]