People Mean Well…No, Really They Do

I know people mean well, but good intentions are not necessarily an indicator of right actions. We've been asked some questions over the years that either leave us smiling or scratching our heads. These questions could be considered misguided or uninformed, perhaps the thoughts of people who donā€™t know any better, but when strangers ask [...]

A Girl Named Jaime

I met a girl named Jaime at Trader Joe's the other day. She approached me and asked me if some of my children were adopted. After many years of being a foster and adoptive mom I am used to random people stopping me and asking me about my kids. When I was a new foster [...]

It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Maybe

I am really looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving on Thursday. Itā€™s one of my favorite holidays. I love the way it smells, the weather is usually perfect and thereā€™s football to watch. Maybe Iā€™ve idealized the whole thing, but the thought of a day where the whole nation pauses to remember what we're thankful for [...]