Go and Tell it on the Mountain

We often get asked about being foster parents. People seem to have a high degree of interest in foster care and we are always happy to talk about it with anyone who want to have a discussion. At some point in the conversation this phrase is uttered "I could never be a foster parent, it [...]

Pride (In the Name of Love)

Two summers ago I decided to study the Psalms. If you're anything like me you firmly believe that you have read every word of the Bible. If you're honest you know that’s probably not true especially when it comes to the Old Testament. And so I embarked on my journey through the book. One hundred and fifty of them [...]

What Do You Want To Be?

Sometimes I get frustrated because I feel like I talk more than I act. I think some of you can relate. Maybe I love thoughts and ideas too much. I don't think that there is anything wrong with thoughts or ideas, they are after all the genesis of action. But at some point ideas need [...]

Square Peg, Round Hole

All of us, to some degree, assign some level of romanticism to our childhood. The food was better, we like the toys we played with more than today's toys, riding bikes trumps video games, etc. This belief manifests itself frequently in that we try to impose our childhood experience on our children. Maybe impose oversells [...]

Change of Habit

As with every new year this one started with most people making resolutions. These usually have a lot to do with eating and exercise. People are motivated to improve their health in January so they join a gym. The problem with joining a gym is that you have to go to the gym and exercise [...]

Celebrate Good Times

The week of Thanksgiving afforded us some much needed time for reflection at our house. We are a move things forward kind of group. Whenever we have a placement with developmental delays or medical issues we are very proactive about therapy and medical appointments. On the face of it this seems like a good way [...]