Big families are hard. Big families are wonderful. So many moving parts and so many messes. So many tears, and so many laughs. How do we keep it together? How do we schedule our time, yet leave time for spontaneous fun? Start with a routine It doesn't have to be a minute by minute schedule, [...]
Tag: Family
Routines are Important
It's December and there are many reasons to be excited; Christmas, family, fun, and feasting. But for kids who have experienced prenatal harm, abuse, neglect, and trauma, this time of year can be very stressful. And the increase in stress can lead to big emotions and behaviors. As parents, we have to ensure that our [...]
Preparing Those Who Are Walking Alongside You
Listener Jamie asks the team about resources for family members and friends to help educate them on how they can best support their family as they navigate foster care and adoption journeys. [podbean resource="episode=ukvtf-94d616" type="audio-square" height="400" skin="8" fonts="Helvetica" auto="0" download="1" rtl="0"] Resources Mentioned in the Episode The Whole Brain Child TBRI Overview Video The Science [...]
Establishing Healthy Boundaries
I'm traveling to Seattle to speak at the Refresh Conference this week. I'm looking forward to the trip for several reasons. I've never been to the Pacific Northwest, some friends moved to Seattle last year and I haven't seen them since they moved, and I'm looking forward to presenting my assigned topic; Building Healthy Relationships [...]
Family Nurture Groups
We strive to connect with our kids as we teach them new skills. Before we can take away a survival skill, we need to replace it with a new one. One of the things we often suggest to families is for them to do family nurture group in their home. Before you begin Gather some [...]
I Get to Share my Mother’s Day
Today is Mother’s Day. It's the day we set aside to celebrate moms for all the hard work and loving attention they give to their children throughout the year. While it is a day of celebration and honor, it can be a day of conflicting emotions for some of us. Ten years ago I became [...]
Family (Re)defined
I come from a pretty tight knit family. I have many childhood memories of family vacations together. I remember weekends with grandparents and attending sporting events with my uncles. I can't remember a single birthday growing up without my cousins. To say that I have many good, family childhood memories would be an understatement. One [...]
My Daddy is Only a Picture
Ahh June, the month we celebrate father's day. I started thinking about what it means to be a dad and I realized that most of the foster placements we've had over the years had one thing in common; they grew up in a home without a father. I don't know what the percentage of kids [...]
It’s a Family Tradition
Sunday March 17, 2013 had the potential to be an interesting/difficult day. It had nothing to Patrick or the Irish, although those celebrating St. Patrick's Day always have the potential to complicate matters. No, Sunday, March 17, 2013 was the day we took our annual family to the Dallas Auto Show. I love cars. I [...]