Chris, Ryan, and Kayla talk about how being an empathetic listener to our children's stories can help with their healing, and why it's important for us to tell our own stories to others to help in our own healing. For when we learn to how to help heal ourselves, we can help our children in [...]
Tag: healing
Agent of Healing
To be an effective agent of healing in your child's life you will need to understand their history and come to terms with your past. Both are necessary.
Why Can’t You Just Move On?
We have just completed another commencement season here in Texas. High schools and colleges were graduating people by the thousands most weekends between mid-May and mid-June. In the midst of it all, I attended a high school graduation and was very impressed as I listened to the kids speak and as I heared about their [...]
The Wounds You Don’t See [updated]
I recently read a study that highlighted the difference between our ability to recall images versus words. There were two control groups. The first was shown a picture of a circle. The word “circle” was written down for the second group. The groups were re-convened 72 hours later and asked what they were shown. The [...]
Can You Hear Me Knocking?
I can't think of a single placement we've had over the years that didn't arrive with developmental delays. Not one. That's the reality of fostering for most of us and our kids. Whatever pain or difficulty they have dealt with in their lives it is usually, if not always, accompanied by developmental delays. Our current [...]