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Ryan and Kayla are experts on Trauma-Informed Children’s Ministry. They are the best I know on this subject.
– Jason Johnson, CAFO
Ryan and Kayla are a gift to the world of Foster Care and Adoption.
– Pam Parish, Connections Homes
Ryan is kind, he is wise, and he has the energy of many more than one person.
– Curt Thompson, M.D.
Ryan and Kayla added so much to our conference. Their supportive and encouraging presence coupled with their expertise was such an asset. Ryan’s Keynote address from the Main Stage was professional, personal, and profound. I hope the North’s will continue to be a part of RE: Conference!
– Jen Decker, Re: Conference
Ryan is a dynamic presenter. Participants commented on his authentic teaching style and willingness to share his personal experiences as a parent as well as his family’s commitment to engaging with birth relatives. He was diligent in determining what our participants’ learning needs were as he prepared for our event. His presentations resonated with our parents. We hope he will join us for future events.
– Kara Elliott-Jordan, Florida State Foster/Adoptive Parent Association
Talk about “get it” factor. People who “get it” connect the best with our foster and adoptive caregivers at Replanted. And wherever you find Ryan and Kayla, you will find a group of people having a caring, insightful, or humor infused healing conversation. Even more than presenting on stage, which is predictably top-notch, the value they add by pouring into every aspect of our event and caring for every person they meet, is incalculable. We’d happily have them as annual contributors, and we know from surveys, that our attendees agree!
– Eric Powell, Replanted Conference
I enjoyed seeing you speak during the Empowered to Connect Conference. You were awesome!! I loved it. Way to go, you two rocked it!
– Lisa Qualls
Need or want someone to speak to your school or church about foster care and adoption? This is your couple. They are brilliant, fun, and experienced, both at home and professionally.
– Holly, Adoptive Parent, Dallas, TX
We just can’t get enough of listening to the two of you! You renew our hope each time we hear you and help give us the will to persevere through hard things with our kids. You are using your gifts well and we are so thankful for you.
– Jennifer, Adoptive Parent, Houston, TX
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.
Ryan and Kayla have an incredible model to train churches to make their spaces safe and effective for the most vulnerable in a community. I have researched the best trauma training for churches, organizations, and more offered, and I find Ryan and Kayla’s to be the best. I brought them to my local community, and can say there has been a marked rise in individuals served through CarePortal attending local, trauma-informed churches who have created safe, welcoming spaces.
– Courtney Ross, CarePortal
Ryan and Kayla came to Portland and hit a home run with their presentations to our Embrace Oregon community! They are skillful with the way they can nuance their material to two, different audiences. Our training the first day focused on church leaders and our training the following day had DHS staff, foster parents, adoptive parents, and community leaders all present in the same room. They resonated deeply with both audiences! With a highly relatable tone, disarming humor and the credibility of having learned some of these lessons the hard way, Ryan and Kayla gave us a holistic road map on how not to merely understand and tolerate children with traumatic backgrounds, but how to engage, connect and attach.
– Jillana Goble
Founder Embrace Oregon
Author, Anatomy of the Soul and The Soul of Shame
One Thankful Mom
Our team and those from the other churches were blessed to receive such expert and applicable training. Everyone present walked away with specific strategies to implement in their ministries to support families in caring well for their kids, not to mention the practicality of how I can parent better at home. Kudos to the Ryan and Kayla for the stellar way that are leading in transforming our city and beyond.
– Jeremy Varnell
Children’s Pastor, Irving Bible Church